Monday, September 27, 2010


English is a language that is very known around the world for the reason that English is the international language. This language is used by many around the world. There are also many other languages in the world, but one thing is for sure, language is very much important to us because without language, we cannot communicate to others and we cannot also understand each other.
This September, we are celebrating the English Month. The theme is: "Breaking Barriers Through English". For me, this means that through our English language, we can break bars or we can destroy hinders/hindrances to our world's development. Many other countries or nationalities can understand or communicate to each other and that is with the help of English. By this, if all of us will be able to communicate by using the English language, our world will be fully-developed.
English language is very important to our lives because through this, we can share our ideas, opinions, feelings and other more to everyone in the world. Let's use our English language wisely and whole-heartedly to be able to destroy those hindrances for our world's development.


For the past generations, many inventions or creations were made by many. It was all being praised or criticized because of the inventor's creativeness and of the inventions usefulness to our daily lives and knowingly, everyone is allowed to do new things or inventions.
The theme for this Science Month's Celebration is: "Filipinnovation, the way forward". For my own understanding, the theme means that through Filipinos, we should make something new to be able to go through or move forward to the top in order for us Filipinos to be known through the whole wide world. There are already the countries like Russia, America, China, Japan and more other countries that have successfully contributed a lot in the field of Science and Technology. But now, it's our turn Filipinos, to innovate or introduce new methods/devices and make changes to contribute in the field of Science. We can do this through inventing such wonderful and unique things by simply using our own imaginations and many more. If this would happen, our creations would be known throughout the whole wide world and we can also be known in history to let the next generations know that Filipinos contributed something.
So from now on, we can start making myriads of new things so that us Filipinos, will be widely known throughout the world in the field of Science and we can do it starting right now.....